Thursday, 7 February 2008

Lab session: Feb 8th

Online Journalism: Lab Session Friday 8th Feb

We have a lab session this Friday and Room A160 is booked.

There are three elements to the class

  • Looking at multimedia elements
  • Building a multimedia page
  • Work on assignments

It is up to you how much time you spend on each of these elements. If you prefer not to work in the lab using City computers then I am happy with that – please drop me an email to let me know where you plan to be.

Introduction to Multimedia

There is an excellent introduction to multimedia journalism from the University of California, Berkeley campus, online at

The report at
will give you a good overview.

And the section on adding multimedia elements is also interesting

Build a page

For the exercise I want you to research and write a story and post it online.

It should include a number of multimedia elements.

You can choose your own topic, but two to consider would be:

The death sentence imposed on Sayed Parwez Kambakhsh, a 23-year-old reporter for the Jahan-e-Now

A look at the current state of journalism education and how today’s students will cope in the changing marketplace.

You can use your Blogger blog from last term, or any other site/service where you can create content.

Create a blog entry that includes:
  • Text
  • Links to other sites
  • One or more images
  • At least one audio clip
  • An embedded video clip (search YouTube)
  • A map: look at how to embed Google Maps/


If you can record some audio yourself then please do.

For the video, choose any suitable clip from YouTube or one of the other video sharing sites and follow the instructions for embedding it.


Use the time to work on your outstanding assignments!